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Moon Patrol

Country: USA

Without coming across Moon Patrol, I don't think I'd have started taking collages more seriously. At all. So it should be obvious that I would want to feature him, I just didn't expect I'd get to talk to him about this. I am incredibly happy that Moon Patrol gave me permission to feature his works on cccollage. Not to have idols, but I don't think cccollage would exist if I didn't first find him on the Instagram algorithm. So thank you, Moon Patrol.

Moon Patrol's surreal collages are heavily and proudly influenced by pulp magazine and early science fiction artworks. His use of collage usually involves merging two or more contrasting images, allowing him to create these fantastical, bold, and evocative pieces, with a strong charge of existential horror. A lot of his collages have become quite iconic due to his way of cutting and subject matter, like his cut-up heads, Death with a rainbow ray, and that jagged tiger-inception piece. Insane body of work.

"Because I can't draw."

— Moon Patrol, after bugging him on why he makes collages

You can find Moon Patrol on Instagram as @moonpatrol.